- Demonstrate a chest pass
- Execute a fake chest pass
- Move to an open area without basketball.
- 1 basketball for every 2 students
- Containers or basketball cart
- 2-4 noodles
- 5 cones per court to setup grid
- Set up a grid area for every 6 students, about a quarter of a basketball court.
- Place basketball containers in different corners of the play space.
- Object of game: the French Fries try to tag and freeze the entire class inside boundaries of the full basketball court, or half-court for a small class.
- Quickly discuss the negatives of fatty foods. Then 2-4 students are given a noodle; these students are the French Fries.
- Once tagged, students must sit or kneel.
- To be freed, another student must come up to the tagged student, touch him or her and both students do 3 jumping jacks (3 push-ups, 3 sit-ups, etc.) together.
- While exercising together neither person can be tagged. Students can keep exercising if a tagger is too close.
- Switch taggers after 1-2 minutes.
ACTIVITY #1: Chest Pass
- Chest Pass: Both hands on side of basketball, push basketball from the chest, Step towards the target, follow through with hands pointing out, and thumbs down.
- Demonstrate skill.
- Students shadow practice chest pass without a basketball.
- Shadow practice faking a pass both to left and right. Students need to step when making a fake.
Pairs should form groups of 6, 2 basketballs per group.
ACTIVITY #2: Keep Away
- Within their groups of 6, students should form 2 groups of 3.
- Assign two groups of 3 to each quarter of the basketball court.
- Demonstrate the game with 2 students or with a student and the assistant.
- Designate one student to be in the middle (interceptor).
- On your signal, the 2 outside students pass the basketball to each other without the interceptor intercepting it or knocking it down.
- The student stays in the middle until you signal to rotate (45 sec. to 1 min.).
- All passes must be around the interceptor and not over his or her head.
- Interceptor must guard only the thrower and be 3 feet away from the thrower.
- Receiver practices making sharp cuts to get open.
Review Skill/Activity, stretching, and questions.