- Strike the Beach Volley Ball upward with an open palm so that my partner can strike it before it hits the ground
Equipment Required
- 1 Beach Volley Ball per pair of students.
- Spot marker/saucer cone for every kid.
Play Area Set-Up
Pair students and send them into open space with 1 Beach Volley Ball per pair
Activity Description
- The objective of the game is to work with your partner to keep the Beach Volley Ball in the air as long as you can.
- As you play, I will give you and the partner feedback that will help you improve your striking and volleying skills.
- Start when I say, “GO.” Stop on the stop signal.
KEY TEACHING POINTS – Square to Target, Opposite Foot Forward, Tick Tock Swing, Contact Beach Volley Ball with Palm Waist High, Follow Through Up Toward Target
Grade Level Progression
- Allow students to strike the Beach Volley Ball as many times in a row as needed before passing it to their partners.
- Limit each student to 2 strikes before the Beach Volley Ball is passed to her/his partner.
- Players must volley the Beach Volley Ball back and forth with a partner with only 1 strike
Challenges & Modifications
- Add players to groups for an added challenge. Volleys can be made in a pattern, after a certain number of self-volleys, or with no restrictions.
- Allow students to catch and then serve the Beach Volley Balls to their partners