Learning Outcome
Learners should be able to keep moving in some manner and then hold a position for 5 to 10 seconds.
Activity Description
Begin by asking students if they know what the word freeze means. Have students start jogging in place and explain when you say freeze that they have to stop and not move one bit, they are frozen. Explain that this will be part of the game for the day.
Explain to children once the music starts they should start moving or dancing around.
They should continue to dance and move until the music is stopped.
If the music stops they must freeze in whatever position they happen to be in at the time and hold it until the music is started again.
If they move they are out and must sit until the next round.
If desired have winners control the music for the next round. Ask students how long they think one position can be held. Allow them to try different positions such as standing on one leg.
Required Material
4 Boundary cone