Learning Outcome
Players try balancing different objects to see which shapes are easiest to balance. The balancing act is an introduction to balancing objects, which encourages spatial awareness. It combines well with plate-spinning activities.
Activity Description
Players balance various objects to see which shapes are easiest to balance.
Players use different body parts to balance the objects, such as the palm or back of their hand, or their knee, foot, elbow, or chin.
Players try walking or lying down and
getting back up again while trying to balance their object.
Players ‘jump’ the balancing object from one body part to another (e.g. one hand to another).
Players work in pairs to pass balanced objects to each other using the ’jump’ method.
Allow students to explore balance position and equipment used.
Required Material
4 Boundary cone, Various balancing objects, such as balancing poles (made from rolled-up newspaper
and sticky tape), feathers (easier), shoes, plastic chairs, baseball caps, and broom handles (harder)