
Learning Outcome

Use of soft touches on the noodle in order to keep it in personal space.Able to understand and demonstrate positions & movements using the correct vocabulary.

Activity Description

Activity 1: Thread the Needle
While standing with legs widespread and have the students move the noodle (using both hands) into the space between the legs
from front to back around one leg only
repeat the same with another leg
have them take turns around both legs making a figure of 8
have then turned it around their neck & head
Activity 2: Noodle Alphabet
Partners work together to spell simple words using their noodles and their bodies. Each pair will start on one end of the playing area. On the other side of the space, the teacher will place flashcards with vocabulary words. When the activity begins, one partner at a time will jog and pick up a flashcard and bring it back. Once back together, the partners will work together to spell the vocabulary word one letter at a time. When the task is complete, the second partner will return the flashcard and pick up a new one. How many words can each team spell in a time designated by the teacher?

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, 1 noodle per student, 1 spot marker per student


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