
Learning Outcome 

Follow the instructions and engage in different locomotor skills and demonstrate 3 different pathways while doing the activity. Experiment with different ways of tossing and then catching a scarf.

Activity Description

Shapes & Directions
Scarf in front of the body, make giant clockwise circles.
Scarf overhead, make small counterclockwise circles.
Scarf out to the right side, make a square.
Scarf out to the left side, make a triangle.
Switch hands and repeat all of the above.
Locomotor Moves
Scarf like a horse’s tail, gallop in open space.
Scarf scrunched like a rabbit’s tail, jump in open space.
Fold in half like a deer’s short tail, leap in open space.
Scarf long like a cheetah’s tail, run in open space.

Required Material

4 Boundary cone, 2 scarf


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