

  • Use of soft touches on the football in order to keep it in personal space.
  • Able to understand and demonstrate positions using the correct vocabulary.

Equipment Required

  • 1 football per student
  • 1 Saucers cone per student
  • Boundary cones

 Play Area Set-Up

  1. Create boundaries for a large activity area with large cones.
  2. Scatter saucer cones throughout the area to create a home base for each student.
  3. Each student to a cone with a ball.

Activity Description

  1. Only do the task when the trainer says “TEACHER Says.”
  2. If you don’t hear me say “TEACHER Says,” then keep on doing the activity that you were already doing. If you do an activity given without hearing “TEACHER Says,” then do 3 jumping jacks in your personal space before getting back into the game.
  3. Put 1 foot on the ball, then other foot on the ball; Alternate toe touches on top of the ball; Move around the ball (clockwise / counter-clockwise); Stand (in front, behind, to the side) of the ball; Step over the ball; Side-to-side toe taps.

 KEY TEACHING POINTS – Stay Ready (balanced stance, knees slightly bent), Soft Touches with Ball.




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