
Movement skills/concepts

Swinging on equipment, body and space awareness.


Bars, ropes, playground/gymnasium equipment, desks, safety mats.

Children in small groups at each piece of equipment, with safety mats under the equipment.


Can you …?

  • swing between two desks – on forearms first, then on hands, varying body shape (e.g. from tuck to long body)

  • do a long swing from a horizontal bar, keeping the bars at chest height (it is better to bend your knees than to take chances) then swing to land and stand still
  • do a long swing from one or two ropes

  • run and swing to land as if you are swinging across an obstacle or to reach a set boundary (e.g. the other side of a river)

Can you see …?

  • landings on toe–ball–heel and with bent knees
  • soft surfaces below equipment
  • sufficient strength to take the body weight
  • spotting where needed
  • constant hand grasp in all inverted positions – no sign of letting go or regrasping while inverted

You could ask …

Which pieces of equipment did you enjoy swinging on the most? What are safe ways of swinging?

Which types of swinging will you use when you are playing in the playground?


Review Skill/Activity, stretching, and questions.


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