Movement skills/concepts
Jumping, landing and balancing, space awareness (levels and directions) and relationships (with equipment).
Ropes and bases/discs.
Children are spread out, with one rope and one base/disc each, in a level grass or hard area.
Can you …?
- stand on your base and, on the signal, try to jump (high to give you more time in the air) and click your heels together before you land – how many clicks can you do before landing and can you land on your base?
- jump from your base and see how many times you can clap your hands together before you land – as your feet touch the ground, freeze your body, perfectly still and stay in that position for three seconds
- jump over a rope and land on the other side without falling down – think of your feet sinking into the floor as if the floor were a sponge and freeze in that position for three seconds
- jump over your rope in different ways – try to take off on one foot and land on two
- change the direction of your jump to land – jump forwards, backwards, sideways
- jump high in the air as you travel over your rope and land as softly as you can – freeze and hold for three seconds
- jog, run, skip, gallop, hop, etc and, on the signal, jump to land – freeze and hold for three seconds
Can you see …?
- toe–ball–heel landing sequence
- knees bending after heels contact the ground
- straight back
- holding or ‘stick’ balance
- head up, looking straight ahead
You could ask …
Which ways of jumping did you enjoy the best?
What position did you hold when you landed on your feet?
Why do you need to hold this position for at least three seconds?
Vary object: Jump over different objects (e.g. beanbags, balls, low-level box tops, benches).
Review Skill/Activity, stretching, and questions.