Continuously dribble basketball through different challenges
Equipment Required
4 large cones, 1 basketball per student, 1 bean bag per student, 1 sport marker per student
Play Area Set-Up
- Create boundaries for a large activity area with cones.
- Scatter spot markers throughout the area.
- Each student to a spot marker with a ball and a bean bag.
Activity Description
- Are you up for a Balance Ball challenge? We’re going to practice dribbling with one hand while we balance a bean bag on top of the other hand.
- Put the bean bag on your hand. When I say, “GO!” begin dribbling and continue until you hear the stop signal.
KEY TEACHING POINTS – Body is Steady, Dribble with a Push from Arm and Fingers
Grade Level Progression
- Scaffold this activity by introducing the bean bag task without any attempt at dribbling. Prompt students to move in different ways while balancing the bean bag. With advanced K students, you may be able to introduce a dribble.
- Prompt students to dribble continuously in self-space while balancing the bean bag.
- Prompt students to alternate dominant/non-dominant hands. Challenge students to dribble continuously while walking in general space.
Challenges & Modifications
- Change the body part used to balance the bean bag and/or experiment with multiple bean bags.
- Allow students to simply hold on to a beanbag in one hand while dribbling with the other