Ball Passing


  •  Passing the ball to the wall target using a force that is safe for everyone.
  • Ability to differentiate a strong pass and a light pass

Equipment Required

1 basketball per student, 1 target card per student

 Play Area Set-Up

  1. Tape target cards to the wall at the same height as the students’ shoulders.
  2. Each student with a ball, standing approximately 5 feet away from a target.

Activity Description

  1. It’s time to work on our passing and catching with a Wall Passing game. When I say, “GO!” you’re going to pass the ball and hit the target. The ball is going to bounce back quickly, so be ready.
  2. Let the ball bounce 1 time on the floor and then catch it with your hands.
  3. In order to stay safe, make sure you’re far enough away from the wall so that the ball can bounce in between you and the target. Keep practicing until you hear the stop signal.

 KEY TEACHING POINTS – Thumbs Behind Ball, Fingers Spread, Step to Target, Push with 2 Hands, Eyes on the Ball, Fingers Apart, Catch with Hands

 Grade Level Progression

  1. Keep passes soft by having students use a two-handed underhand toss. Focus on controlling the force of each toss and catching after 1 or 2 bounces.
  2. Introduce chest-passing cues, keeping the focus on controlling force, and maintaining a safe distance from the wall. Every ball should bounce on the floor before it’s caught.
  3. Reinforce chest-passing cues and catch with the hands.

Challenges & Modifications

  • Play a game of Target Practice. Students will pass to a target, catch after a bounce, and then dribble to a new target.
  • Use low-bounce foam balls or deflated basketballs to limit the speed of return bounces




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