

  • Roll the ball on the floor using different speeds and pathways.
  • Describe and demonstrate a zigzag pathway.

Equipment Required

4 large cones, 1 basketball per student 

Play Area Set-Up

  1. Create boundaries for a large activity area with cones.
  2. Students scattered throughout the area in self-space with a ball

Activity Description

  1. It’s time to work on controlling the ball with our finger pads by playing a game called Walk the Dog.
  2. Your basketball is a dog and its time to take it out for a walk. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and the ball on the floor in front of your feet. Using only your finger pads, slowly roll the ball back and forth from left to right, one hand to the other. Can you roll the ball making different shapes? Using different pathways?

 KEY TEACHING POINTS – Finger Pad Touches, Slow and Controlled

 Grade Level Progression

  1. Work on rolling the ball in front of the body, improving the transition from hand to hand.
  2. Begin rolling the ball around the legs, making different patterns (e.g., circles, figure-8s, zigzags).
  3. Slowly roll the ball throughout the activity area, eyes alert, and making quick looks for other walkers.

Challenges & Modifications

  • Pair students and prompt them to take turns mirroring each other’s movements.
  • Students roll the ball around their bodies while seated

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