Demonstrate & develop accuracy while catching (eyes on the ball, fingers apart, catch with hands)
Equipment Required
4 large cones, 1 basketball per student
Play Area Set-Up
- Create boundaries for a large activity area with cones.
- Students scattered throughout the area in self-space with a ball.
Activity Description
- It’s time to Bounce and Catch with an added challenge!
- When I say, “GO!” everyone will begin bouncing and catching their basketballs. While you’re practicing, I’ll be going around to each student and challenging you to catch a ball that I bounce to you.
- Keep practicing until you hear the stop signal.
KEY TEACHING POINTS – Eyes on the Ball, Fingers Apart, Catch with Hands, Show Hands, Eye Contact
Grade Level Progression
- The prompt student to get their hands ready for the ball in order to catch a soft bounce pass.
- Prompt students to “show hands,” working to catch the ball with hands, rather than trapping it against their body.
- Choose a skilled and responsible student to help you make well-thrown bounce passes to fellow students. Prompt those students practicing Bounce and Catch on their own to try and add a clap (or several claps) before each catch.
Challenges & Modifications
- Pair students so they can pass back and forth, working toward a mature bounce pass.
- Use foam balls to decrease anxiety and increase student confidence.