

 Every student should make at least 2 dribbles in a row.

Equipment Required

4 large cones, 1 basketball per student

 Play Area Set-Up

  • Create boundaries for a large activity area with cones.
  • Scatter spot markers throughout the area.
  • Each student to a spot marker with a ball

Activity Description

  1. When I say, “GO!” count how many times you can dribble the ball.
  2. When you make a mistake, complete 1 mini-jump for each dribble that you made (e.g., 4 dribbles in a row = 4 mini-jumps).
  3. Do mini-jumps by holding the ball in both hands over your head and then making quick 1-inch jumps off of 2 feet.

 KEY TEACHING POINTS – Dribble with Finger Pads, Waist High

 Grade Level Progression

  1.  Students begin by counting how many times in a row they can drop and successfully catch balls.
  2. Students count consecutive dribbles in self-space using the dominant hand
  3. Students count consecutive dribbles as they walk in general space.

Challenges & Modifications

  • Add a variety of exercises, working to improve each component of health-related fitness.
  • Students can sit with legs spread apart and use a low-bounce foam ball.




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