Movement skills/concepts
Pushing, pulling, balancing, counterbalancing and relationships (with others).
Teach wrist grip.
Groups work on a suitable surface.
Hot spot: Groups use the wrist grip to join in a circle round a hot spot (a hoop or a similar ground marking). The aim is to pull the circle and make someone stand on the hot spot.
Socko: Place four or five gym mats together. Self-chosen groups of four–five children wear socks but no shoes. The aim is to remove the socks of other participants and to keep possession of your own socks. Set clear rules on the degree of roughness allowed. Allow anyone to withdraw or call ‘Stop’ at any time. No kicking.
Zigzag tug of war: Two lines of three–four face each other. Each person takes a wrist grip with two people facing. Each line attempts to pull the other line to a mark.
Rowing in fours: Four children sit in a circle joined by the wrist grip and with knees slightly bent. One pair of opposites leans in while the other pair leans back. Change positions rhythmically.
Can you see …?
• safety
• fair competition
You could ask …
Balancing and pulling in small groups requires a lot of trust. How did your group build trust?