Exploring a Long Implement

Movement skills/concepts

Striking with a long implement (golf club) in different directions, at different speeds and towards a stationary target, relationships (with objects) and body awareness.


Golf clubs, a variety of small light (foam or plastic) balls, hoops, a variety of objects for targets (targets suitable for wall include masking tape, chalk marks, and suspended hoops; possibilities for the ground include bins,  seats/chairs/trees,  playground equipment, and markings).

Children are spread out in a hard or grass area with a wall. If inside, have mats on the ground to protect the floor.


Children have a club each and a variety (about five) of small lightweight balls. They practice the following tasks:

  • swing the club back and forth like a pendulum, scuffing the grass/mat – check there is no one behind you or in front of you
  • stand approximately four giant steps away from a hoop, stand beside your ball and swing your club (pendulum motion) to see how many balls you can get into a hoop
  • find a space approximately four giant steps away from a wall or fence, stand beside the wall/fence and strike the ball so that it travels to the wall/fence; if it comes back to you, stop it before you hit it again
  • strike the ball to the wall, so that it goes along the ground, and then try to hit it in the air
  • see how many times you can hit the range of targets on the wall, fence or ground


Vary skill and equipment: Strike the ball with feet/hand(s), softball/cricket bats or hockey sticks.


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