Movement skills/concepts
Walking to different rhythms, walking on the spot, along a line, changing direction, and relationships (with others).
Hard or grass area with lines or markings, rhythm instrument(s). Children stand scattered along a line.
Children walk on a line and change direction when they come to an intersection. When walking on a line they may meet up with someone coming towards them on the same line. If so, children walk on the spot and give partner a ‘high five’, turn and go back the way they came. Have different beats or rhythms to walk to.
Can you see …?
- pivoting on the ball of the foot when turning
- head up
- walking tall
- swinging arms waist high
Follow the leader: In pairs, one person (the leader) calls out commands, e.g. ‘Quick march’ (step out), ‘Mark time’ (march on the spot), ‘About turn’ (turn 180 degrees). Leaders are switched on ‘About turn’.