

• Open and flat outdoor space at least 25m by 40m
• Store-bought plastic baseball bat and ball


  1. Purchase a lightweight plastic baseball bat and ball from a toy store.
  2. Find a large, open outdoor space free of trees and obstacles.
  3. Toss the ball softly underhand to your child so they can practice hitting.TIP: Make sure your child stands sideways. One foot should be closer to you than the other.

    TIP: If your child is right-handed, they should have their left foot closer to you and left hand on the bottom of their grip.

    TIP: If your child is left-handed, they should have their right foot closer to you and right hand on the bottom of their grip.

    TIP: Toss the ball between their waist and their shoulders.

    TIP: The ball should pass between 40-60 cm away from your child.

    TIP: They should stand ready with the bat held behind them at shoulder height.


• As your child’s batting improves, increase the speed of your toss.


This activity develops hand-eye coordination and timing while using a bat (i.e., striking tool). These skills also transfer to striking with a racquet or stick.


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