

  • Move into open space in order to get open for a pass from my teammate.
  • Discuss which game strategies worked and which did not work.

Equipment Required

1 spot marker per 3 students, 1 basketball per 6 students, Pinnies for teams, Cones to create a grid

 Play Area Set-Up

  1. Create 1 large grid per 6 students with 1 spot marker positioned at each end of the grid to act as baskets.
  2. Group students into teams of 3, each team with its own color and each student with a wristband.
  3. Teams play Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who starts with the ball.

Activity Description

  1. It’s time to have some fun with our basketball skills and play 3 v 3 Bounce Ball.
  2. Each team will try to score a point by bouncing the ball on their team’s spot. Points are also scored by making complete passes to each member of your team in a single possession.
  3. Defense must play 3 full arm-lengths away from offensive players and can only intercept passes. They cannot touch offensive players. If a foul is made, the offense scores a point.
  4. When a team successfully bounces the ball on their spot, change possession with play going in the other direction

KEY TEACHING POINTS – Ball Fake to Freeze Defense, V-Cut to Get Open

 Grade Level Progression 

  1. Third graders may require a slower-paced game. Play 3 offense v 2 defense with one team remaining offense for 2 minutes before switching roles. How many points can each offense score in 2 minutes?
  2. Play the activity as it is written above.





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